Sort list <keyValuePair <string, string >>

I am doing this in C#


I have a list that contains two lines and I want to sort it. the list is likeList<KeyValuePair<string,string>>

I need to sort it according to the first one string

, which:

  • ACC
  • Abla
  • SUD
  • FLO
  • IHNJ

I tried to use Sort()

, but it gives me an exception: "Invalid operation exception", "Failed to compare two elements in the array."

Can you suggest me so I can do this?


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4 answers

Since you're stuck with .NET 2.0, you need to create a class that implements IComparer<KeyValuePair<string, string>>

and pass an instance of it to the method Sort


public class KvpKeyComparer<TKey, TValue> : IComparer<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>
    where TKey : IComparable
    public int Compare(KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> x,
                       KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> y)
        if(x.Key == null)
            if(y.Key == null)
                return 0;
            return -1;

        if(y.Key == null)
            return 1;

        return x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key);

list.Sort(new KvpKeyComparer<string, string>());


If you are using a newer version of the .NET framework, you can use LINQ:

list = list.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();




Why not use SortedDictionary instead?

Here's an MSDN article on it:



You can just use a generic delegate Comparison<T>

. Then you avoid having to define the class just for the implementation IComparer<T>

, but just need to make sure that you define your method according to the signature of the delegate.

private int CompareByKey(KeyValuePair<string, string>, KeyValuePair<string, string> y)
    if (x.Key == null & y.Key == null) return 0;
    if (x.Key == null) return -1;
    if (y.Key == null) return 1;

    return x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key);





List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> pairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
pairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Vilnius", "Algirdas"));
pairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Trakai", "Kestutis"));

pairs.Sort(delegate (KeyValuePair<String, String> x, KeyValuePair<String, String> y) { return x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key); });
foreach (var pair in pairs)




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