Ext.form.field.File disable button

I have the following file field:

    xtype: 'filefield',
    name: 'photo',
    fieldLabel: 'Photo',
    labelWidth: 50,
    allowBlank: false,
    buttonText: 'Select Photo...'


I am trying to disable the file field button:

if (f instanceof Ext.form.field.File) { //f is a field in my form


This works as I expect visually, but after enabling this button, the button handler is no longer called.
I can hear what you think. Why don't you call setDisabled()

on the field? .. because the form won't submit its value if the field is disabled. And I implemented my own way to disable elements using CSS.

My question is: How can I disable a button filefield

in ExtJS 4.1.2?


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2 answers

It seems like a bug in ExtJs 4.1.

This is allowed in ExtJS 4.1.3



Why not put a little mask on the button? It could be controlled manually.



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