Paperclip: Multiple "has_attached_file" s in one model

snippet from my model:

attr_accessible :package1_file_name, :package2_file_name
has_attached_file :package1
has_attached_file :package2


from my _form (simplified version):

<%= form_for(@submission, :html => { :multipart => true, :id => "fileupload"  }) do |f| %>
 <%= f.file_field :package1%>
 <%= f.file_field :package2%>
<% end %>


The problem is the paperclip inserts two separate records for each file in the database. However, I only want it to be inserted in tags one , since I have two separate fields in my table: package1_file_name

, package2_file_name


Is there a way to achieve this?


For Christian Varga:

Maybe I shouldn't be simplifying the code in my original question, but my view actually looks like this after using the plugin jQuery file upload


<%= f.fields_for :uploads do |upload| %>
    <div class="row fileupload-buttonbar">
        <!-- The first upload field -->
          <span class="btn btn-success fileinput-button">
                <%= upload.file_field :package1 %>
        <!-- The second upload field -->
          <span class="btn btn-success fileinput-button">
                <%= upload.file_field :package2 %>
<% end %>


Where upload

is the child model of the current model

I'm not sure what multipart

makes the two file fields act as a separate attachment, but I'm trying to combine the two attachments into one.


source to share

1 answer

Ok, so I did a little research and I am still unable to replicate your problem. I created a test app with this code and only inserts one record into the database.

Create project (terminal)

rails new paperclip-test
cd paperclip-test
echo "gem 'paperclip'" >> Gemfile
rails generate scaffold submission
rails generate paperclip submission package1 package2
rake db:migrate


Update model ( submit.rb )

attr_accessible :package1, :package2
has_attached_file :package1, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
has_attached_file :package2, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }


Update controller ( submissions_controller.rb )

def create
    # @submission =[:submission])
    @submission = Submission.create(params[:submission])


Update the form ( _form.html.erb )

<%= f.file_field :package1 %>
<%= f.file_field :package2 %>


Refresh View ( show.html.erb )

<%= image_tag @submission.package1.url(:medium) %>
<%= image_tag @submission.package2.url(:medium) %>


Run the app and create a new view

Go back to the console:

sqlite3 db/development.sqlite3
select * from submissions;



1|2013-02-21 21:16:38.898602|2013-02-21 21:16:38.898602|image_1.jpg|image/jpeg|54231|2013-02-21 21:16:38.419947|image_2.jpg|image/jpeg|61766|2013-02-21 21:16:38.658720


Paperclip instructions from



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