Linq-To-Entities 'Contains' 1-many condition

Consider the (simplified) table structure as follows:


  • EmpId
  • NAME


  • FULL

Each user can have 0 .. * appointments, each of which can be one of many APPTYPEIDs and can be complete or incomplete.

I want to filter the result set of an IQueryable [USER] query so that it only includes USERS that have an apipt of some type of ID (say 1) and where the COMPLETE field is in the list of values. I do this as part of a gridview filter that allows users to choose to either show only completed or incomplete users for certain meeting types.

List<string> vals = new List<string> {"Y","N"}
//maybe the user has only selected Y so the above list only contains 1 element
var qry = ctx.USER.Where(x=> vals.Contains( ? ));
//bind etc


It's really easy to do this if the values ​​I'm comparing against this list are in a 1-1 ratio with the USER object, like this:

var qry = ctx.USER.Where(x=> vals.Contains(x.NAME)); 


But I don't understand how to do this with a 1-many relationship like my appointment table, and it makes me brainwash trying to conceptualize its sql. Can anyone please explain how to do this?


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1 answer

qry = ctx.USER.Where(u => u.APPOINTMENTS
                           .Where(a => a.APPTYPEID == 1)
                           .Any(a => vals.Contains(a.COMPLETE)));


UPDATE (added to return those users who have no assignments at all)

qry = ctx.USER.Where(u => 
        !u.APPOINTMENTS.Any() ||
         u.APPOINTMENTS.Any(a => a.APPTYPEID == 1 && vals.Contains(a.COMPLETE)));




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