Using powershell to read / modify / rewrite a sharepoint xml document

I would like to use PowerShell to open an XML document stored in a document library in Sharepoint 2010, read it in memory, change one of the nodes, and then save the changed XML back, overwriting the original document. I would rather not write local files; I really don't think this is necessary.

Here is the script as I have now:

    $siteCollection = $(read-host -prompt "Site Collection"),
    $subSite = "StoreOps",
    $libraryName = "Data Connections",
    $UDCXName = $(read-host -prompt "UDCX document name"),
    $listName = $(read-host -prompt "List name")

$site = get-spsite $siteCollection
$web = $site.openweb($subSite)
$library = $web.Folders[$libraryName]
$document = $library.Files[$UDCXName]

# Load the contents of the document.

$data = $document.OpenBinary()
$encode = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
$UDCX = [xml]($encode.GetString($data))
$ns = New-Object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $UDCX.NameTable
$ns.AddNamespace("udc", "")
$root = $UDCX.DataSource
$node = $root.SelectSingleNode("udc:ConnectionInfo/udc:SelectCommand/udc:ListId", $ns)
$oldListId = $node."#text"

# Get the ListId of the current list.

$list = $web.Lists[$listName]
$newListId = "{$($list.ID)}"
write-host "List: $listName, Old ListId: $oldListId, New ListId: $newListId"
$node."#text" = $newListId


(For those of you interested, this script will modify the data connection files used by InfoPath forms.)

All of this script is working correctly, but now how do I rewrite the XML back to Sharepoint? I tried:



But it doesn't work. I am a bit confused about how to get the $ UDCX xml object to create a text representation of the xml it contains. If I knew how to do this, then I could solve this problem.


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1 answer


was opened with a method OpenBinary()

, so to save it back we need to use the method SaveBinary()

. The XMLDocument object,, $UDCX

can be saved into an object MemoryStream

, which is then used to save back to Sharepoint. The code you need at the end looks like this:

$Stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream


I hope this helps.



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