How do we terminate this code?

This c code is from K&R. It runs continuously even when I type -1. I am using eclipse on fedora 17. What is wrong with this code? how will it end? Even CTRL + D doesn't work to finish it!

int main(void)
    int c;

    c = getchar();
    while(c != EOF)
        c = getchar();

    return 0;



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4 answers

It runs continuously even when I print -1

On Unix, you need to type Ctrl-D instead to pass the end of the file.

As Mooing Duck points out, this seems to be a bug in Eclipse .



Send an EOF character.

On Linux, use CTRL-D in the terminal.



Turned out to be a problem with the Eclipse IDE. external eclipse, the code works fine. CTRL + D for unix is ​​EOF (inside -1). There is a workaround in eclipse. for each application that requires EOF go to RUN -> RUN CONFIGURATION ... -> in the main tab, scroll down and uncheck "connect process input and bring it to terminal". now run the code. CTRL + D should work. you must apply this trick separately for each application.



Mac also has Cmd + D. I'm pretty sure on Windows it is Windows + D



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