How to POST base64 encodes an in-memory image as a file parameter

I have an image encoded as a base64 String and I am trying to POST

use it as a parameter for another REST API ( ).

I don't want to store the file on disk - I want to keep the file in memory because eventually I want to create an image using getUserMedia

on the client and I will most likely use a hosted service that does not allow direct file I / O.

The problem is that most of the examples I can find zip images from disk using fs.createReadStream(somePath);


I would prefer to use a library like the request library , but it might not be possible.

The code I have now:

var fs = require( 'fs' );
var path = require( 'path' );

var request = require( 'request' );
var WS_URL = '';

function ocr( postData ) {
    var r =, completed);
    var form = r.form();

    form.append('apikey', 'REMOVED');
    form.append('language', 'en' );
    form.append('image', postData );

    function completed(error, response, body) {
        console.log( body );

// This works
ocr( fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'example.png' ) ) );

// This does not work
// ignore that it being read from a file (the next line)
var base64Str = fs.readFileSync( 'example.png' ).toString('base64'); 

var buffer = new Buffer(base64Str, 'base64');
ocr( buffer.toString( 'binary' ) );



allows you to send an additional parameter, so if you need to set additional headers, then this is possible.

Is there any wrapper Stream

that I can use? I tried using this StringReader and it can be modified to at least send the filename and correct Content-Type.

How do I achieve this memory file allocation as a parameter of the web service?


I have corrected / updated the code above.

The response I am getting from the REST APIs listed above is:

HTTP / 1.1 400 Bad Request

File not provided

Here is the actual code I'm running:


source to share

3 answers

In the streamed version, you are working with chunks of a file, but in the version, base64Image

you are working with a base64 string. Since the stream version is working, the API ocr

obviously expects the form to just contain binary data, so you need to decode the base64 data before submitting.

// Reading straight from a Buffer.
var imageData = fs.readFileSync('example.png');
ocr( imageData );

// Reading from a new Buffer created from a base64 string.
var base64Image = '...';
ocr(new Buffer(base64Image, 'base64'));


Also note that in your example code:

// This line:
var base64Image = new Buffer(imageData, 'binary').toString('base64');

// does the same thing as this, because 'imageData' is alreadya  Buffer
var base64Image = imageData.toString('base64');




I'm sure you can use Buffer

directly to query, without having to embed it in Stream


Doesn't work because you are using the wrong encoding. readFileSync

returns Buffer

by default if there is no encoding. The buffer uses utf-8 by default as its encoding. But you used the encoding as binary in between, which doesn't match what you have in the buffer.

var imageData = fs.readFileSync('example.png');//After you get imageData 
var base64Image = imageData.toString('base64');    //base64 encoded string
var decodedImage = new Buffer(base64Image, 'base64');  //base64 encoded buffer
ocr (imageData);  //You can use the file directly
ocr (base64Image); //Or you can use either the base-64 string or the base64-buffer


Look here for more encoding / decoding details NodeJS base64 encoding / decoding doesn't quite work



You can use the base64-image-upload NPM package that I whipped up as I had the same problem.

What this does is exactly the approach described by user568109, creating a buffer from a base64 string and POSTing. The important part is that it abstracts working with encodings, MIME types, and request headers, and this will greatly simplify your code.



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