Datetimepicker with fullCalendar hour hour

I have a bit looking a lot after the hour and minutes are set at datetimepicker, but still I can't get it to work.

var start = $('#eventStart').datetimepicker({

     dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
     hour: 12,
     minute: 15,
     stepMinute: 15


and my input symbol is a handshake

My question is how to set a time like 12:15 pm with the currently selected date from my fullCalendar

select: function(start, end, allvDay) {

     $('#eventStart').datepicker("setDate", new Date(start));
     $('#eventEnd').datepicker("setDate", new Date(end));
     $("#calEventDialog").dialog("option", "title", "Add Event");



I am getting this print in firebug "Date string parsing error: extra / unverified characters found at date: 12:15"

anyone who can help me,

// Tobias


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1 answer

I think the problem is with yours date time format


A time picker that uses the hours and minutes that you specified, and when parsing a date, you did not specify the appropriate fields in format


Try to change date format to "yy-mm-dd HH:mm"



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