What's the fastest way to open a LogCat view?

Most of the time I run the project. I need to open / increase the LogCat and then minimize it. Usually it takes a few clicks with the mouse.

Click the LogCat icon in the Debug perspective ctrl + M to enlarge it and then click the minimize icon.

I wonder if there is a faster way, hopefully without having to click on the mouse.


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4 answers

Go to Window -> Settings. Then go to General -> Keys. Find the entry "Show View (View: Local)" Go to Binding and press a key (for example, F10).

I personally use two screens for development. Main window on the main screen and Logcat, File Explorer and Console on the second.



If I understood your problem correctly, you already have the LogCat view open. But, when you want to maximize it, it's a pain to double-click it every time.

Solution: Use Ctrl + F7 to switch between views such as "LogCat", "Console", "Editor", etc. Then, when you are in a particular mode, just use Ctrl + M to enlarge the view in full screen mode. I think you will like some of the shortcuts provided here: http://www.rapidsnail.com/Developer/topic/2012/76/27/60320/ask-next-eclipse-the-commonly-used-shortcut-key.aspx



Window -> Show View -> Other -> Android -> LogCat



I personally think Eclipse is not the best place to look at the logcat (it's already as heavy as the default and you are investing more in it ...).

So, I recommend the good old command line (Linux):

$ adb logcat -v time


I created a logcat color corrector to distinguish important stuff: https://bitbucket.org/brunobraga/logcat-colorize



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