An efficient way to create checkers from connected components

I have a binary image of several related components, some large and some small (maybe only 1 pixel). With this, I am looking for a way to make each connected component into a checkers pattern rather than its associated blocks in an efficient way.

So far I have come up with two ways that this could be tried, but they can either create errors or be rather ineffective:

  • I know the whole image and can make a checkers pattern mask to remove 50% of the pixels. This is very fast, but on average it removes 50% of the connected components, which is only one pixel in the area.

  • Use bwlabel()

    in MATLAB / Octave and skip every connected component, only applying a mask to that component if it is greater than 1 pixel (leaving other components to be considered when the loop hits them) This can be very inefficient.

Any smart / embedded solutions that can be used?


The code for creating the shape

T = zeros(40,40);
T(10:30,10:30) = 1;

chessVec = repmat([1;0],20,1);

T_wanted = (repmat([chessVec circshift(chessVec,1)],1,20).*T);

subplot(1,2,1);imshow(T);title('Start shape')
subplot(1,2,2);imshow(T_wanted);title('Wanted shape');



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1 answer

Nothing beats the effect of checking on a blanket. All you have to do is add back the small connected components.

%# create a test image
img = rand(100)>0.8;
img = imclose(img,ones(5));
img = imerode(img,strel('disk',2));


enter image description here

%# get connected components
%# use 4-connect to preserve
%# the diagonal single-pixel lines later
cc = bwconncomp(img,4)

%# create checkerboard using one of Matlab special matrix functions
chk = invhilb(100,100) < 0;

%# checker original image, add back small stuff
img(chk) = 0;

smallIdx = cellfun(@(x)x<2,cc.PixelIdxList);
img([cc.PixelIdxList{smallIdx}]) = 1;


enter image description here



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