Trying to develop a CoffeeScript Singleton Fetcher cooler

I am trying to develop a CoffeeClick Singleton Fetcher based on an idea presented in the Coffeebook Cookbook .

The cookbook describes how to implement the singlelton class in CoffeeScript and how to get that class from the global namespace, for example:

root = exports ? this

# The publicly accessible Singleton fetcher
class root.Singleton
  _instance = undefined # Must be declared here to force the closure on the class
  @get: (args) -> # Must be a static method
    _instance ?= new _Singleton args

# The actual Singleton class
class _Singleton
  constructor: (@args) ->

  echo: ->

a = root.Singleton.get 'Hello A'
# => 'Hello A'


What i am trying to develop

I am trying to work out a way to extract many singlton classes from root.Singleton object. For example:

root = exports ? this 

# The publicly accessible Singleton fetcher
class root.Singleton
  _instance = undefined # Must be declared here to force the closure on the class
  @get: (args, name) -> # Must be a static method
    switch name
      when 'Singleton1' then _instance ?= new Singleton1 args
      when 'Singleton2' then _instance ?= new Singleton2 args
      else console.log 'ERROR: Singleton does not exist'

# The actual Singleton class
class Singleton1
  constructor: (@args) ->

  echo: ->
    console.log @args

class Singleton2
  constructor: (@args) ->

  echo: ->
    console.log @args

a = root.Singleton.get 'Hello A', 'Singleton1'
# => 'Hello A'

b = root.Singleton.get 'Hello B', 'Singleton2'
# => 'Hello B'


The goal is to get a singleton by declaring:

root.Singleton 'Constructor Args' 'Singleton name'



Unfortunately a.echo () and b.echo () both print 'Hello A', they both refer to the same Singleton.


Where am I going wrong? How can I design a simple singleton picker like I described above?


source to share

2 answers

As far as I can see, you are overwriting your "one" copy. Thus, you need at least some kind of container to store your "many" singlets and to access them later.

class root.Singleton
    @singletons = 
        Singleton1: Singleton1
        Singleton2: Singleton2
    @instances = {}
    @get: (name, args...) -> # Must be a static method
        @instances[name] ||= new @singletons[name] args...


What you call "receiver" is a factory pattern.



thanks for the nice example about @args

/ args...

and singleton.

just for those new to CoffeeScript like me, in this example we need to change the order of the call ( args...

to the end):

a = root.Singleton.get 'Singleton1', 'Hello A'
# => 'Hello A'

b = root.Singleton.get 'Singleton2', 'Hello B'
# => 'Hello B'




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