How to hide an element in response to ajax call
I have a JSF page.
<div id="SaarcImage">
<h:panelGrid id="saarcImagesTable" columns="4" style="position: relative; top: 50px;"
columnClasses="nameColumn" >
<span class="asterisk">*</span><span class="labels"> #{label.saarcCountryMap}: </span>
<p:fileUpload id="cityMap" widgetVar="uploader" description="Image"
update="countryMap" allowTypes="*.jpg;*.png;*.gif;*.jpeg;"
auto="true" fileUploadListener="#{countryPages_Detail.imageUpload}">
<p:graphicImage id="countryMap" value="#{countryPages_Detail.imagePath}"
width="80" height="50" cache="false">
<f:event type="preRenderComponent" listener="#{countryPages_Detail.putImage}" />
<h:commandLink id="removeCountryMap" value="remove" title="Remove Picture"
style="color: #0d5b7f;text-decoration: underline;"
onclick="if (! confirm('Are you sure, you want to remove picture?') ) { return false;}; return true; ">
<f:ajax event="click" render="countryMap"
........ //7 more images
Likewise, I have 7 more images per page. Before each image gets rendered, I call the preRenderComponent event. This is how I can remove the link
public class CountryPages_Detail {
private int x = 0;
private boolean remove;
public void removeImage() {
remove = true;
} //end of removeImage()
public void putImage(ComponentSystemEvent event) {
GraphicImage image1 = (GraphicImage)event.getComponent();
String imageId = image1.getClientId();
// Check to ensure that x doesn't greater than the number of images
if (x > 7) {
x = 0;
} //end of if (x > 4)
if (remove || uploadImage) {
if (imageId.contains("countryMap")) {
x = 0;
} else if (imageId.contains("Image1")) {
x = 1;
ArrayList imagesNames = (ArrayList)session.getAttribute("countryDetailImageNames");
for(; x<imagesNames.size(); x++) {
String fileName = imagesNames.get(x).toString();
if (fileName.contains(imageId)) {
if (remove) {
imagePath = "";
imagePath = "/resources/images/no-preview.jpg";
imageNames.set(x, "no-preview.jpg"); //also remove from list
remove = false;
} else if (fileName.contains("no-preview")) {
imagePath = "";
imagePath = "/resources/images/no-preview.jpg";
} //end of for()
} //end of putImage()
} //end of class CountryPages_Detail
If there is no image, then the default image is no-preview.jpg . If the user uploads an image then my putImage () gets called or if the user clicks on the delete link then the image is set to no-preview.jpg and putImage () gets called. Now I want that if my image path of any image is /resources/images/no-preview.jpg , the delete link next to that image should not be displayed. What's happening now is that no matter if I have no-preview.jpg or another image, my delete link appears. I want to remove the link only if I have an image other than no-preview.jpg... How should I do it? I made a script to check if the Scr attribute of the image matches no-preview.jpg , if yes then it hides all delete links. Here
var saarcImages = $("#SaarcImage #saarcImagesTable tr").each(function(index){
var $tr = $(this);
var $image = $tr.find("img");
if ($image.length != 0) { //Image exist
var imageSource = $image.attr("src");
var contains = imageSource.indexOf("no-preview.jpg") >= 0; // true
if (contains) {
} else {
}); //end of .each()
But this script only works on page load. Since I am updating the images with ajax, so if I load any image then the script does not run and the delete link does not appear again. How can I do this if I have a no-preview.jpg image then the delete link does not appear.
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