How do I get the X12 EDI specifications?

In particular, 835 and 837, or rather, lists of various status codes and their meanings.

I found a couple of commercial sources via google and duckduckgo. Are there any sources available?



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2 answers

The specifications are copyrighted by DISA or WPC (in the case of HIPAA standards, which are essentially an amended version of the X12 base standards) and are available for purchase from them.

Since Axel has suggested, however, for the more popular sets of transactions, you can usually get the implementation guides from the web, and they will usually have everything you need.

Generally, there are no machine readable versions of these specifications available, as the official versions are very expensive.



One option is to ask Google for specific post types such as Health Care Claim Payment/Advice

(X12 835). This will show you a lot of tutorials and documents.

Another option is to download a trial version of the EDI X15 Conversion / Transform Tool and examine its grammar files.

Health codes are here .



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