Save MKPolyline as NSData in NSUserDefaults

My iOS app needs to store MKPolyline

internally NSUserDefault

. I've done a lot of research and now I know that:

  • NSUserDefaults are a subclass of NSCoder
  • MKPolyline is not a subclass of NSCoder

As a result, it is rather difficult to keep the polyline in ... I tried to convert MKPolyline to NSData:

NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSData *data = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:routeLine]; // routeLine is an MKPolyline
[defaults dataForKey:@"key"];
[defaults synchronize];


When I try to convert polyline to NSData I get this error message:

Application terminated due to uncaught exception "NSInvalidArgumentException", reason: '- [MKPolyline encodeWithCoder:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xba1fd70

I can successfully execute the above code when using MKPolylineView , but then I have problems returning MKPolyline from view. I found this Q / A on SO but it doesn't solve my problem because it will change the way my application works.

How to save MKPolyline? Can I subclass it, if so what will it entail? Or is there a way to do this using MKPolylineView? Am I missing something with NSCoder?


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1 answer

As long as you can implement NSCoding

yourself for MKPolyline

, and then build a view NSData

and store it in NSUserDefaults

, it would be better to represent MKPolyline

using arrays and dictionaries that NSUserDefaults

can directly handle.

Create an array of dictionaries that encapsulate the x and y values ​​for each point and store that in NSUserDefaults

instead MKPolyline


When loading defaults, get an array, loop through the dictionaries, recovering points, then re-create MKPolyline




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