Set event blocked

I want to insert a new event that is "blocked": no more changes for the main fields like: "summary", "description", "location", "start", "end" or "repeat" as the API site says: However, after the event appears in the calendar, I can change it. Has anyone here worked with "locked" events? Pls help me.

Many thanks.


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1 answer

I got the same situation: I tried to insert a blocked event using a service account with API v3, but it didn't work. So after some research I found this explanation and realized that blocking the "master copy" event is not possible. As stated here

The blocking flag for events indicates that the main event fields ("summary", "description", "location", "start", "end", or "repeat") cannot be changed. Attempts to do this are rejected with a disallowed 403 response. This can only be specified for the participant instances, not the host (ie, Master copy). Other event details, such as extended properties, are still subject to change. This is not the same as "guestCanModify: false", which states that changes are not reflected in non-user copies. This field is read-only.



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