Octopress capitalization in new messages

I updated my Octopress blog today and when I ran:

rake new_post["This is a test of title"]


It creates my markdown file at source /_post/2013-02-18-this-a-test-of-title.markdown, then I run:

rake generate



rake preview


And the message now has a title

This Is A Test Of Title


I go through the markdown source and find that

title: "This is a test of title"


So the markdown is fine. Also on the web page I am using Chrome developer tools to see if the css property has a "capizeize" value, but it doesn't, the anchor looks like this:

<a href="...">This Is A Test of Title</a>


This is how the problem of caching cames from the framework looks like.

In the imathis / octopress repostory wiki https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues/202 it seems that some people who post in other languages ​​don't like this "feature" and even in Rakefile, imathis removed this line:

post.puts "title: \"#{title.gsub(/&/,'&amp;').titlecase}\""


for this:

post.puts "title: \"#{title.gsub(/&/,'&amp;')}\""


for this commit, so I open my Rakefile and have the last line, so my file is updated, but obviously the problem persists

Any idea how to avoid this behavior in post headers?


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1 answer

In your _config.yml find the line

titlecase: true       # Converts page and post titles to titlecase


and set it to false.

More on titlecase . You can also take a look plugins/titlecase.rb

to see how it works.



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