How to change current custom attributes and keep them throughout your session

I validate my users with IMAG / Ldap-Bundle (BorisMorel / LdapBundle) and I can't save any changes made to mine User

to my LDAP server. But whenever a user logs in, I need to check some things locally and add user roles according to some rules.

Whenever imag checks the user / password on my LDAP server, it is called by the service I created listening to the "bind" event. Here's how it's done:

    class: MyBundle\Service\LdapUserVerifierService
    arguments: [ @security.context, @doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager, @twig ]
        - { name: 'kernel.event_listener', event:, method: loadUser }


Note: bind_username_before

set to false

, which means it LdapUserVerifierService::loadUser

is only called after the user is logged in and the class is User

loaded on mine security.context


Then I have mine LdapUserVerifierService::loadUser

as follows:

public function loadUser(LdapUserEvent $event) {

    $ldapUser = $event->getUser();





This works great, except that when my user changes the page (from /login_check

to /dashboard

, for example) my changes security.context.getToken().getUser()

are lost. My user has localUser


associated with /login_check

, but not on /dashboard


Since my user is not loaded from my application database, I cannot save it to the database that will be loaded in subsequent pages, and therefore cannot save my object changes without saving it to another session variable.

Does anyone know I have to deal with this?



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1 answer

There just isn't enough code to provide a better answer, but I can't see where you are modifying security.context or token.

Once you have made changes to the user object derived from the token, you will probably need to set that changed user to the token.



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