Insert line into line

I am having problems inserting a substring into a string I want to enter "/thumbs"

in the path string



I want to add / thumbs / to the last part of the path like this:



Is this possible with linq?


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5 answers

I would use the Path class , preferably in your own utility method or as an extension method.

string pathWithThumbs = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), "thumbs"), Path.GetFileName(path));


Link seems to be out of place here; you are not really asking for collections. In addition, the class Path

handles most of the cuts and corner cases for you automatically.

EDIT: As @juharr pointed out, there is a handy overload as of 4.0 that makes it even easier:

string pathWithThumbs = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), "thumbs", Path.GetFileName(path));


EDITx2: Hrrrm, as @DiskJunky points out, using this path will actually replace your forward slashes with a backslash, so just challenge Replace("\\", "/")




For something like manipulating tracks, it is best to use a namespace System.IO

, specifically an object Path

. You can do something like:

string path = "/media/pictures/image1.jpg";
string newPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), "thumbs", Path.GetFileName(path)).Replace(@"\", "/");




Try this, you will get the index of the last slash and insert an extra line at that point.

Not sure why this is happening, but I can assure you that it works.

string original = "/media/pictures/image1.jpg";
string insert = "thumbs/";
string combined = original.Insert(original.LastIndexOf("/") + 1, insert);




Is this possible with linq?

You don't need to use Linq for this process. You can use the String.Insert () method ;

Returns a new string in which the specified string is inserted at the specified index position in this case.

string s = "/media/pictures/image1.jpg";
string result = s.Insert(s.LastIndexOf('/'), "/thumbs");





Here is DEMO .



I would use the System.IO class called Path


Here is the long version for demo purposes:

string pathToImage = "/media/pictures/image1.jpg";

string dirName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToImage);
string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pathToImage);
string thumbImage = System.IO.Path.Combine(dirName, "thumb", fileName);

Debug.WriteLine("dirName: " + dirName);
Debug.WriteLine("fileName: " + fileName);
Debug.WriteLine("thumbImage: " + thumbImage);


Here's a one-liner:

Debug.WriteLine("ShortHand: " + Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToImage), "thumb", Path.GetFileName(pathToImage)));


I am getting the following output:

dirName: \media\pictures
fileName: image1.jpg
thumbImage: \media\pictures\thumb\image1.jpg

ShortHand: \media\pictures\thumb\image1.jpg




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