Play sound from byte array []

I got the byte array from the server and I know it connects and dispatches just fine. This is when I try to play a sound from a byte array.

This is where I have to play the sound.

SourceDataLine speaker = null;
try {
    DataLine.Info speakerInfo = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, getAudioFormat(samplerate));
    speaker = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(speakerInfo);
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
int nBytesRead = 0;
    while (nBytesRead != -1) {
    if (nBytesRead >= 0) {
         speaker.write(bytes, 0, nBytesRead);



private AudioFormat getAudioFormat(float sample) {
    int sampleSizeBits = 16;
    int channels = 1;
    boolean signed = true;
    boolean bigEndian = false;
    return new AudioFormat(sample, sampleSizeBits, channels, signed, bigEndian);


How to play music from byte[]



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2 answers

I can't see where you are reading from the audio byte array in the while loop. They, as you set up, should be something like this:

while (nBytesRead = != 1)


... assuming you have a read method set so that a buffer called "bytes" receives data from the read command. Then the write () method will have "bytes" that are refilled for sending.

Of course, "bytes" is just a buffer that is only used in the while loop, not in the byte array with the original sound.

Sometimes the read method has two inputs, for example: .read(bufferArray, bytesToRead);

where values ​​in the range of k or several k are common. (bufferArray.length == bytesToRead)



A while ago I wrote a small server for streaming music over http: Stream music in a loop over http using java

Go there and how it plays, you just go to the specified link, that is: www.localhost: 8080 / test in my case and the browser is streaming the music.

Perhaps you could find a solution that combines some of my results with yours.

Actually, any link returns bytearray, will be passed by the browser depending on the data type, etc.



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