RegEx Split on / Except when surrounded by []

I'm trying to split a string in Java into /, but I need to ignore any instances where / is between []. For example, if I have the following line



Then I would like to return the following in my issue

  • Foo
  • bar [donkey = King / Kong]
  • value

I have seen a couple of other similar posts, but I have not found anything that matches exactly what I am trying to do. I tried the String.split () method and as follows and saw strange results:

Code:  value.split("/[^/*\\[.*/.*\\]]")

Result:  [, oo, ar[donkey=King, ong], alue]


What do I need to do to get back to the next one:

Desired Result:  [, foo, bar[donkey=King/Kong], value]


Thanks Jeremy


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2 answers

You need to split by /

and then by 0 or more balanced parenthesis pairs:

String str = "/foo/bar[donkey=King/Kong]/value";

String[] arr = str.split("/(?=([[^\\[\\]]*\\[[^\\[\\]]*\\])*[^\\[\\]]*$)");     



[, foo, bar[donkey=King/Kong], value]


Read more Convenient explanation

String[] arr = str.split("(?x)/"        +   // Split on `/`
                     "(?="              +   // Followed by
                     "  ("              +   // Start a capture group
                     "     [^\\[\\]]*"  +   // 0 or more non-[, ] character
                     "      \\["        +   // then a `[`
                     "     [^\\]\\[]*"  +   // 0 or more non-[, ] character
                     "     \\]"         +   // then a `]`
                     "  )*"             +   // 0 or more repetition of previous pattern
                     "  [^\\[\\]]*"     +   // 0 or more non-[, ] characters 
                     "$)");                 // till the end




On the next line, the regex will match foo and bar , but not fox and baz because they are followed by a close parenthesis. Explore the negative view.








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