What is the best way to implement loader animation when scripts and resources are loaded in Angular?

I want users of my web application to present a progress bar indicating the current progress of file and script uploads.

Percentage is preferred, but a simple gigabyte gif is an acceptable solution.

What is the best way to implement a loader that could show an indication of the percentage of loaded images, css and js in Angular, if at all possible?

I am thinking about having a small application whose sole purpose is to load resources and indicate progress, and when all scripts and resources are finished, fire some callback to load angular (angular.bootstrap ()).

I guess there are a bunch of smart guys out there who can come up with a better solution, and I hope and think more than I can benefit from some good advice regarding this.

It would also be nice to provide an approximate file size to fix the bootloader:

<script load-src="//somehost.com/file.js" filesize="100"/>
<img load-src=sprite.png" filesize="50"/>



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2 answers

Are you only talking about loading tags <script>

and tags <link>

etc? If so, you can use ng-cloak. Make everything hidden with ng-cloak CSS and make the counter shown by default. Then take out the counter when angular is fully loaded. more information about ng-cloak

If you mean loading the spinner until a set of your own HTTP requests are completed, you can use the angular-promise-tracker to track the HTTP requests and catch the "start" and "done" events to increase the percentage.

Here is an example of spinner load HTTP requests: http://plnkr.co/edit/SHtk7eSrbs1dfoQawPCW?p=preview



For the bare bone, a simple gif downloader:


<div ng-show="displayLoadingIndicator" class="LoadingIndicator">



.LoadingIndicator {
  display: block;
  background: url(../img/loading.gif) center center no-repeat;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;


JS controller:

function MyCtrl($scope, $http) {
    $scope.displayLoadingIndicator = true;
    $scope.loadStuff = function (serverResponse) {
        // load my stuff
        $scope.displayLoadingIndicator = false;




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