How to clear collection or comments and names on screen from console

I am using the following code to insert data into mongo and I am wondering how I can destroy the whole thing from the console so that my page is not cluttered. I guess I would also like to know how to selectively delete so that I can select the comment name entries and delete them.

live at

Messages = new Meteor.Collection('messages');

if (Meteor.is_client){

   ////////// Helpers for in-place editing //////////

  // Returns an event_map key for attaching "ok/cancel" events to
  // a text input (given by selector)
  var okcancel_events = function (selector) {
    return 'keyup '+selector+', keydown '+selector+', focusout '+selector;

  // Creates an event handler for interpreting "escape", "return", and "blur"
  // on a text field and calling "ok" or "cancel" callbacks.
  var make_okcancel_handler = function (options) {
    var ok = options.ok || function () {};
    var cancel = options.cancel || function () {};

    return function (evt) {
      if (evt.type === "keydown" && evt.which === 27) {
        // escape = cancel, evt);
      } else if (evt.type === "keyup" && evt.which === 13) {
        // blur/return/enter = ok/submit if non-empty
        var value = String( || "");
        if (value)
, value, evt);
, evt);
  };//added as test = {};

  /*[okcancel_events('#messageBox')] = make_okcancel_handler({
      ok:function(text, event){
        var nameEntry = document.getElementById('name');
        if(nameEntry.value != ""){
          var ts = / 1000;
          Messages.insert({name: nameEntry.value, message: text, time: ts});
 = "";
        }//if statment ends
  */['click #submit'] = function() {
        var nameEntry = document.getElementById('name');
        if(nameEntry.value != ""){
            var ts = / 1000;
            Messages.insert({name: nameEntry.value, message: $('#messageBox').val(), time: ts});

  Template.messages.messages = function () {
    return Messages.find({}, { sort: {time: -1} });



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1 answer

To erase it all:

meteor reset


To remove each one on demand using os console

meteor mongo


Or you could just do it from the chrome / safari / firebug console if your collection is exposed to the client and you can create a UI and use:




You can use regexp to speed up and delete sets of documents that match a regular expression. for example if I want to remove all values ​​containing 'the' for a field name

. This will work on mongo console, server and client.

collectionname.remove({ name : { $regex: 'the', $options: 'i' }});


The parameter i

makes the case case insensitive.

Of course, collecionname

it's just a placeholder for whatever collection you choose to hit.



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