Why does the Rails manual suggest using the scoped method for associations?

The Rails guide states that a scope can be called in associations. But then later , it says that a method scoped

that returns an object ActiveRecord::Relation

"might be useful ... on associations." If scope can be called on an association, what additional functionality scoped

does it provide ?


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1 answer


returns the anonymous scope. In the API docs:

Anonymous scopes are generally useful in procedural generation of complex queries where the convenience of passing intermediate values ​​(scopes) around first class objects.

Here's an example:

posts = Post.scoped
posts.size # Fires "select count(*) from  posts" and returns the count
posts.each {|p| puts p.name } # Fires "select * from posts" and loads post objects

fruits = Fruit.scoped
fruits = fruits.where(:color => 'red') if options[:red_only]
fruits = fruits.limit(10) if limited?




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