Loop over string vector for graphs in R
I would like to iterate over a named string vector country
that contains country codes such as AFG
The Stata
code will look like this:
levelsof country, local(xtry)
foreach x in local xtry:
graph command here if xtry=="`x'"
graph save mygraph
Is there a comparable command for levelsof
as well as an if statement that restricts the data to a specific country code, which is the string from which each graph will be generated?
You would use something like this:
for (cn in levels(country))
if (cn=="x")
<do something>
<do something else>
If you want to check multiple countries, you can use
if (cn == "x" | cn == "y")
if (cn %in% c("x", "y", "z"))
As an aside, the applied group of functions is really similar, if not identical to the design for loops, the fact is that the applied group of functions is a wrapper for such loops and is specific to different data structures and requirements - more Rish-image makes loops. I don't know how valid the speed increase requirements are - I am skeptical. Other than that, if I understand what you are asking (I don't know stata), it might be easier to multiply the data with R and then do multiple plots for each subset.