Getting textbox value in matrix report in SSRS

I am working with matrix report in ssrs. Here is an example screenshot of my report extracted in excel enter image description here

The report is simple enough. It shows data for different years (example: AS OF JAN, 2012). Netrevenue for years are defined in the database so that they are derived accordingly. The problem is related to other jokes. Like column "% Change" .

The column value is calculated using the following formula:

%change = ((NetRevenue of The current year / NetRevenue of the last year) - 1) * 100


Now what I am doing to solve this problem is calculating the values ​​using sql queries for each column and then binding them directly to the control.

My question is, is there an easier way to do this. I mean, how in managing the table, I can access the cell value using



Is there a way to access dynamic columns of a matrix report. How to access netRevenue values ​​for different years.

If you need to clarify a question, please ask.

Thanks in advance.

reporting-services ssrs-2008

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1 answer

I believe the only problem you are going to get is earning income in the last year?

In this case, you will need to calculate the income for the last year in sql. Then use:

=((RpItems!NetRev.Value / RpItems!NetRev_LastYr.Value) - 1) * 100


In this case, you will need to calculate all the values ​​from recent years for the% change you want to calculate.

May I suggest that you study this question and ask another question with sql that you currently have?

I found this to work the best.


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