Xcode 4.6 is running OS 10.7.5
The App Store says I have an update available: XCode 4.6. I am still using OS X 10.7.5. Will XCode 4.6 work on this OS? I looked at the App Store and Mac Developer site and couldn't find what OS version 4.6 is required. For more details please give me a link for Xcode 4.6 running OS 10.7.5. Many thanks.
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3 answers
It will work without any problem. Maybe this page about the Xcode Release Notes will be helpful to you
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When the Mac App Store shows an app, it should run on your system because, just like on iOS, you can decide which developer you support by OS versions. Apple decided to show you an update - so they decided to allow 10.7.5. There is also no information about the end of support for 10.7.5 in the Xcode 4.6 release notes .
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