Problem with calling a class method for UIImage

I need to call Class method

from a class to another class, but in fact, I need to pass it to a class method UIImage

. so i created NSObject

and typed it in buttonsViewcontroller

how to call UIImageView

and where..please check the code where i am wrong ..

what changes do i need in the method to call the image


@interface ZAction : NSObject

@property (retain) NSString *title;
@property (assign) id <NSObject> target;
@property (assign) SEL action;
@property (retain) id <NSObject> object;
@property(retain) UIImageView *image;

+ (ZAction *)actionWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle target:(id)aTarget action:(SEL)aAction object:(id)aObject image:(UIImageView *)Aimage;;



@implementation ZAction

@synthesize title;
@synthesize target;
@synthesize action;
@synthesize object,image;

 + (ZAction *)actionWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle target:(id)aTarget action:(SEL)aAction object:(id)aObject image:(UIImageView *)Aimage;
    ZAction *actionObject = [[[ZAction alloc] init] autorelease];
    actionObject.title = aTitle; = aTarget;
    actionObject.action = aAction;
    actionObject.object = aObject;
    return actionObject;



 #import "Zaction.h"
- (IBAction)test4Action:(id)sender
    UIImageView *image1=[[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
    ZAction *destroy = [ZAction actionWithTitle:@"Clear" target:self action:@selector(colorAction:) object:[UIColor clearColor] image:image1];
    ZAction *sec = [ZAction actionWithTitle:@"Unclear" target:self action:@selector(colorAction:) object:[UIColor clearColor] image:image1];
    image1.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon2.png"];
    [self.view addSubview:image1];

   ZActionSheet *sheet = [[[ZActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Title" cancelAction:nil destructiveAction:destroy
                otherActions:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:option1,  nil]] autorelease];
    sheet.identifier = @"test4";
    [sheet showFromBarButtonItem:sender animated:YES];



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1 answer

There are serious problems in your code:

  • Your UIImageView image1 is initialized with a CGRectZero frame - maybe it isn't showing because the frame is (0,0,0,0)? Tr gives it the real size, for example. image size.

  • Next to that, your ZAction sec and destroy objects will disappear at the end of the test4Action method as they are auto-implemented and not persisted anywhere.

  • You also have some unnecessary semicolons in your code - especially the one behind the actionWithTitle implementation method, which I would get rid of, you might get some nasty errors with inappropriate semicolons (e.g. after an if () ...) ...

  • Please also work on your coding style (variable naming in particular - c words do not contain good attribute names ("object" in your action class), Aimage must be aImageView)



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