Can changes to Linux files be modified in Ant

Is there a way to set file ownership and permissions using Ant in Linux ? I found Ant chmod

and tasks chown

, but they are only for Unix.
 I am trying to add a Debian installer via Ant and ant -deb-task , and after moving all the required files to the deployment directory, I need to set their ownership and permissions.


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2 answers

I don't have access to Ant on Linux at this time (will do at home), but try to see if that works

<target name="chmod_task">
  <exec executable="chmod">
    <arg value="755"/>
    <arg value="/path/filename.ext"/>




Use the built-in Ant task chmod -

Separate file:

<chmod file="${dist}/" perm="ugo+rx"/>


multiple files:

<chmod perm="g+w">
  <fileset dir="shared/sources1">
    <exclude name="**/trial/**"/>




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