Combining values ​​from PHP bucket

I have the following question.

I store the shopping cart in a PHP session and then load it to display the items in the cart.

The problem is that currently I see every item without consolidation, i.e. if an item is added 2 times to the cart it will be shown twice.

How can I consolidate the itemId results?

    if($q==0) continue;
    $query2 = $con -> prepare("SELECT * FROM item_descr WHERE id_item = :idItem");
    $query2-> bindValue (':idItem',$pid);
    $row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            <div class="checkoutItems">     
            <span class='itemNameChck'><?php echo $row2['name']; ?> </a></span>
            <span class="itemQtyChck"><?php echo $row2['price']; ?> </span>
            <span class="itemQtyChck"><?php echo $q; ?> </span>
            <span class="itemQtyChck"><?php $totalPerItem = $q * $row2['price']; echo $totalPerItem; ?> </span>


This is how I add items to my cart:

function addtocart($pid,$q)

        if($pid<1 or $q<1) return;






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2 answers

In my opinion you need to get rid of this id containing the cart index.

//             I mean this
//                 ||
//                 ||
//                \  /
//                 \/


Just put itemId

there and before adding an element - check if this array element is set.

You wrote this code which adds a new element to the array every time and now you want to consolidate it. It doesn't make sense to me. Add a new element only when you need it. Otherwise, just update the quantity.

In my opinion, your cart should look like this:


// example how to store other attributes
$_SESSION['cart'][$itemid]['name']="Rubber duck";


Then when adding an item, you can check if the cart item contains this itemid of any items.

if isarray($_SESSION['cart'][$itemid]) // when exists - add to previous quantity
    $_SESSION['cart'][$itemid]['qty']= $_SESSION['cart'][$itemid]['qty'] + $q;
else                                   // else - set quantity
    $_SESSION['cart'][$itemid]['qty'] = $q;


This is just a project / idea, but I hope this helps you.



Something like this should do the trick

function addtocart($pid,$q)
if($pid<1 or $q<1) return;

for($i=0;$i> count($_SESSION['cart']);$i++)
    if($_SESSION['cart'][$i]["item_id"] == $pid)
        $_SESSION['cart'][$i]['qty'] += $q








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