APNS - Failed to send message

I'm having a strange problem with APNS. I am using com.notnoop.apns library and when I try to push the same message to 40 devices I got

ApnsConnectionImpl : Failed to send message 
com.notnoop.apns.EnhancedApnsNotification@be443877... trying again
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Unknown Source)


Everything goes well when I try to push the same message to 4, 10 even 15 devices.

I am trying to split a collection using push tokens from 40 to 4 * 10 and push that notification in foreach, but on second try I get the same problem.

This is the code with the push method:

//prepared collection and message
private void sendMessage(Collection<String> ids, PayloadBuilder message) {
    service.push(ids, message.build);       
}catch(Exception e) {
    logger.debug("APNS ERROR : size of collection - " + ids.size());



Service constructor:

  try {
        service = APNS.newService()
                .withCert(pathToCertificate, certificatePasswd)
    } catch(IOException e){


I dine this method 10 times with different Collections of tokens (collections got random 1 to 40 tokens) and I got this exception one day (all tokens were correct). Can I get a connection reset over APNS for no reason? If I lose connection, what should I do? Connect and try to push again lost messages to devices? Please help, out of ideas.


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2 answers

I recommend the Java PNS library: http://code.google.com/p/javapns/ . I've used it in one of my projects and it works great.



You probably have invalid device tokens in your database.

Here are some similar questions that might help you:

Device Token Verification



The last one

Also, you should read this great article on Apple Push Notification Service issue .



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