Set up consolidation to merge and align tree structure

I have a set of data like this:

data = { 1: {"root": [2],
             "leaf": [10, 11, 12],
         2: {"root": [1,3],
             "leaf": [13, 14, 15],
         3: { "root": [2],
              "leaf": [16, 17],
         4: {"root": [],
             "leaf": [17, 18, 19],
         5: { "root": [],
              "leaf": [20, 21]


From this data, the original key is the root index node, it contains a dictionary explaining which root and leaf nodes are associated with it.

I want to combine all indexes into linked lists.

  • Root index linked by root index, both / all root indexes and all index indexes are concatenated into the resulting list.
  • A root index can be linked to another root through a leaf, root indices and all leaf indices are merged into the resulting list.

I am having trouble finding the best way to traverse and combine the data. From the above data Expected output :

[[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [5, 20, 21]]


The fixed try seems to work, is there a better method?

class MergeMachine(object):
    processed = []

    def merge(self, idx, parent_indexes, existing):
        if idx not in self.processed:
                for related_root_idx in[idx]["root"]:
                    if related_root_idx not in self.processed and related_root_idx not in parent_indexes:
                        existing.extend(self.merge(related_root_idx, parent_indexes, existing))
        return existing

    def process(self, data):
        results = [] = data
        for root_idx in
            r = set(self.merge(root_idx, [], []))
            if r:
                combined = False
                for result_set in results:
                    if not r.isdisjoint(result_set):
                        combined = True
                if not combined:
        return results

mm = MergeMachine()


Is there an efficient way to combine the data into the expected result?


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2 answers

I have no idea if it is efficient, but it works:

data = #your data as posted

data = [set ( [k] ) | set (v ['root'] ) | set (v ['leaf'] ) for k, v in data.items () ]
merged = []
while data:
    e0 = data [0]
    for idx, e in enumerate (data [1:] ):
        if e0 & e:
            data [idx + 1] = e | e0 #idx is off by 1 as I enumerate data [1:]
    else: merged.append (e0)
    data = data [1:]

print (merged)


My guess is that in the worst case (i.e. no possible merge) the cost should be O (n ** 2). And it is serially without recursion.



I came up with this which is similar to but not quite the same as above. Mine is destructive, it consumes the input data structure and I think it is limited to one point (On ^ 2 in case none of the input data is bound).

def merge(data):
  result = []
  while data:
    k, v = data.popitem()
    temp = set([k]) | set(v['root']) | set(v['leaf'])
    for idx, test in enumerate(result):
      if test & temp:
        result[idx] |= temp
  return result




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