Facebook request for android not showing as notification

I have included FacebookSDK in my android app and I would like to perform an invite action in my android app.

I tried the following two links to get my app to register successfully via facebook and send app requests to my friends with a preview available before submitting:

https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/androidsdk/3.0/login-with-facebook/ https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/androidsdk/3.0/send-requests/

However, for other platforms like facebook mobile and desktop website, no notification is displayed. The notification only shows on Facebook for Android.

When viewing applications on the Desktop website, the message rendered in the following code is not visible:

params.putString("message", "Let us watch \""+node.getString("movieName")+"\" together");


Only showing "someone" suggested that you try "myApp".

If any code is added in addition to the documentation code to enable the message and notification shown on all platforms.

Many thanks.


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