How can I configure Spring 4.0.5 to use @ExceptionHandler instead of ExceptionResolver?

I've added an @ExceptionHandler method to a specific controller.

public @ResponseBody doSomeThing(NullPointerException e) {...}


Problem: I also have a custom



defined as @Component in my Legacy app.

Now @ExceptionHandler in my specific controller is never called. I need to support both exception handling strategies.

How can I configure spring 4.0.5 to call my @ExceptionHandler in my controller?


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1 answer

By default, it will DispatcherServlet

download and register all implementations HandlerExceptionResolver

in ApplicationContext

to help you handle Exceptions from your Controllers

. You will notice that the class AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver

implements Ordered

. Most implementations HandlerExceptionResolver

extend this class, and DispatcherServlet

use it to organize the list of implementations HandlerExceptionResolver

when it comes to handling Exceptions thrown by yours Controllers


As you might suspect, annotation processing @ExceptionHandler

on yours is Controllers

also done by the implementation HandlerExceptionResolver

. To be precise:org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver

I would guess that what happens in your case is that the type HandlerExceptionResolver

from DispatcherServlet

is calling your implementation before AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver

, which means that your annotations are @ExceptionHandler

effectively ignored.

To counteract this, we need to do two things:

  • Register directly AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver

    as a bean in yourApplicationContext

  • Set Order

    this bean to a value greater than your custom implementationHandlerExceptionResolver

This would mean that when it comes to handling Exceptions

for yours Controllers

, Spring will first see if it can AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver

handle the exception, and if not, fall back to its custom implementation HandlerExceptionResolver


As an example of setting order to HandlerExceptionResolver

(assuming you are using XML config somewhere):

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver" p:order="1" />


You can also view a list of implementations HandlerExceptionResolver

, registered with DispatcherServlet

the default, and choose the procedure that is most appropriate for your application.



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