Mgo: how to update a specific array in a document

I have this document inside my database

    "_id": "53dc97bf91f1f933e15d6fb1",
    "attributes": {
      "chilled": false,
      "flammable": false,
      "food": false,
      "fragile": false,
      "frozen": false,
      "hot": false,
      "outsized": false
    "createdAt": "02/08/14 09:48:16",
    "customer": "53d68bc091f1f933e15d6f90",
    "location": [
        "count": 0,
        "warehouse": "53db430c91f1f933e15d6fa6"
        "count": 34,
        "warehouse": "53db430c91g1f933e45d6fa4"
    "name": "test",
    "type": "stored",
    "updatedAt": ""


How can I update an array of locations if I know the storage ID? This is what I have now

coll := p.GetDb().C("product")
    changes := bson.M {
        "location": bson.M {
            "$elemMatch": bson.M {
                "warehouse": bson.ObjectIdHex(warehouseId),
        "$set": bson.M {
            "location.$.count": 4,

    err := coll.UpdateId(bson.ObjectIdHex(productId), changes)
    if err != nil {
        http.Error(res, err.Error(), 500)


But we get this error: $ elemMatch prefix field in dollars ($) in 'location. $ elemMatch 'is not valid for storage.



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1 answer

You wrote it wrong. A match on the "id" value in stock belongs to your carrier's "query" section, not the "Update" section. This way you don't need an option UpdateId

, but Update

since it allows a wider choice of query:

query := bson.M{
    "_id": bson.ObjectIdHex(productId),
    "location.warehouse": bson.ObjectIdHex(warehouseId)

update := bson.M{
    "$set": bson.M{
        "location.$.count": 4

err := coll.Update(query,update)


Also note that the "dot notation" form is fine here, since your selector for an array element is just a special field. Usually you need when this array has another field in the array to match. $elemMatch



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