Expanding UIColor on Swift error

I have this extension:

extension UIColor {
    func rgba(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Float) -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: r/255, green: g/255, blue: b/255, alpha: a)


This gives me an error: Extra argument 'green' in call

I don't understand why this is happening, there might be a bug in xcode 6 beta 4 or in swift.


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3 answers

This is because you passed all parameters with the wrong type: r/255, g/255, b/255

- Integer and a

- Float, but the init method of UIColor accepts CGFloat for 4 parameters.

Change your code to:

func rgba(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Float) -> UIColor {
    let floatRed = CGFloat(r) / 255.0
    let floatGreen = CGFloat(g) / 255.0
    let floatBlue = CGFloat(b) / 255.0
    return UIColor(red: floatRed, green: floatGreen, blue: floatBlue, alpha: CGFloat(a))




extension UIColor {
    convenience init(r: Int, g:Int , b:Int , a: Int) {
        self.init(red: CGFloat(r)/255, green: CGFloat(g)/255, blue: CGFloat(b)/255, alpha: CGFloat(a)/255)
let myColor = UIColor(r: 255 , g: 255, b: 255, a: 255)




Try the following:

extension UIColor {
    class func rgba(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, a: Float) -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: r/255, green: g/255, blue: b/255, alpha: a)




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