Translate C ++ code to Haskell

I am trying to translate this piece of C ++ code into haskell but cannot fool it. This is taken from nim.cpp at .

C ++:

const int MAX_MOVE = 3;
const int NO_GOOD_MOVE = -1;

int FindGoodMove(int nCoins) {
    for (int nTaken = 1; nTaken <= MAX_MOVE; nTaken++) {
        if (IsBadPosition(nCoins - nTaken)) return nTaken;
    return NO_GOOD_MOVE;

bool IsBadPosition(int nCoins) {
    if (nCoins == 1) return true;
    return FindGoodMove(nCoins) == NO_GOOD_MOVE;


so far i have done in haskell:

findGoodMove nCoins = if isBadPosition (nCoins - nTaken) == True
                        then nTaken
                        else -1
                    where nTaken = 1

isBadPosition nCoins = if nCoins == 1
                        then True
                        else findGoodMove(nCoins) == -1


I am stuck on the for loop part. I would really like some suggestions on how to translate it to haskell.

Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

First of all, I would use the richer Haskell system for coding to fail in findGoodMove

by specifying its type

findGoodMove :: Int -> Maybe Int


And isBadPosition

may be of type

isBadPosition :: Int -> Bool


Next, we can move on to the implementation. For this I need to import isNothing


import Data.Maybe

maxMove :: Int
maxMove = 3

findGoodMove :: Int -> Maybe Int
findGoodMove nCoins = loop 1
        loop nTaken
            | nTaken == maxMove               = Nothing
            | isBadPosition (nCoins - nTaken) = Just nTaken
            | otherwise                       = loop (nTaken + 1)

isBadPosition :: Int -> Bool
isBadPosition 1      = True
isBadPosition nCoins = isNothing $ findGoodMove nCoins


So by using for Maybe Int

instead , we can encode at the system level that this function has a single failure mode (i.e. ), which I would say makes the intent more clear and ensures that we cannot accidentally treat the flag as a valid value elsewhere in our code.Int




For the loop part, I have defined a recursive function, locally called loop

, that starts with 1

and has 3 branches. If it nTaken

reaches our maximum value for moves, we hit the end of our loop and return Nothing


). If this is a condition False

, then checking nCoins - nTaken

is a bad position and if we return Just nTaken

. If none of these conditions were True

met, we loop again with nTaken + 1


For isBadPosition

we know that if nCoins == 1

, it is True

, so we can use pattern matching to handle this simple case. Otherwise, we need to know findGoodMove nCoins

if it succeeds , and it will succeed if it fails Nothing

. The function Data.Maybe.isNothing

is useful here to quickly check if it's there Nothing

or Just something

, so it makes this case easy too.



Something like that?

max_move = 3
no_good_move = -1

findGoodMove nCoins = findGoodMoveStep nCoins 1

findGoodMoveStep nCoins nTaken = if nTaken> max_move
                        then no_good_move
                        else if isBadPosition (nCoins - nTaken) == True
                        then nTaken
                        else findGoodMoveStep nCoins nTaken+1

isBadPosition nCoins = if nCoins == 1
                        then True
                        else findGoodMove(nCoins) == no_good_move




Instead of defining a function loop

as in @ bheklilr's answer, you can use a description, which is a powerful tool in Haskell. Then you can use pattern matching to pick the right one nTaken


maxMove :: Int
maxMove = 3

findGoodMove :: Int -> Maybe Int
findGoodMove nCoins =
  let choices = [nTaken | nTaken <- [1..maxMove], isBadPosition (nCoins - nTaken)]
  in case choices of
    [] -> Nothing
    (nTaken:_) -> Just nTaken

isBadPosition :: Int -> Bool
isBadPosition 1 = True
isBadPosition nCoins = findGoodMove nCoins == Nothing


Since Haskell is lazy. The list choices

will not be fully built. It will stop as soon as it finds the first valid one nTaken

. So the time complexity of the function findGoodMove

is the same as the C ++ version.



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