What is the unapply method in Scala?

What is unapply

a Scala Method? How it works?

I know pattern matching in other languages ​​like OCaml and usually you have very little control over it. Is Scala unique in providing a method, unapply

or are there other languages ​​that provide a mechanism for manipulating split mapping?


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1 answer


Also called extractor method in Scala , for example consider this

scala> object SomeInteger {
 |       def apply(someInt: Int): Int = someInt
 |       def unapply(someInt: Int): Option[Int] = if (someInt > 100) Some(someInt) else None
 |     }
 defined module SomeInteger

 scala> val someInteger1 = SomeInteger(200)
 someInteger1: Int = 200

 scala>     val someInteger2 = SomeInteger(0)
 someInteger2: Int = 0

 scala> someInteger1 match {
      |       case SomeInteger(n) => println(n) 
      |     }

 scala> someInteger2 match {
      |       case SomeInteger(n) => println(n)
      |       case _ => println("default") 
      |     }


As you can see, the second match prints default

because the unapply method SomeInteger

returns None

instead SomeInteger(n)


Other examples of extractors can be found easily for lists, for example:

List(1,2,3,4) match { 
  case head :: tail => doSomething()
  case first :: second :: tail => doSomethingElse
  case Nil => endOfList()


This is possible because of the way the method is defined unapply




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