Cleanup error: [$ injector: modulerr]

Forgive me. I have seen many themes with the same name, but they didn't help me. Probably everyone has a specific code.

    var app = angular.module('iop', []);
    // Set up the service factory to create our Items interface to the

    var obj={name:'sasha'}
    var obj2= {status: 'run'}

    app.factory('dataService', function(){

                text: ' js-frame?',
                author: 'Vani'

        function QuestionController(object,$scopes,object2,dataService){


         $scopes.text= object2.status +dataService.text


<div ng-controller = "QuestionController">
Status :<p> {{data}}</p>
app: <p>{{text}}</p>


Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token function index.html: 46 Cleanup error: [$ injector: modulerr]


source to share

2 answers

These two variables:

var obj={name:'sasha'}
var obj2= {status: 'run'}


There should be module values:

app.value("name", "sasha");
app.value("status", "run");


They can then be injected into your controller like this:

            function QuestionController(name,$scope,status,dataService){


Also this line:

        function QuestionController(object,$scope,object2,dataService){


Missing comma after dataService

         function QuestionController(object,$scope,object2,dataService){


You also misspelled $ scope multiple times. (Have $ scopes )

We hope these fixes help.



  • obj and obj2 are simple objects, you haven't registered them as angular service \ provider \ constant \ anything, so they cannot be nested in injection.

  • Don't use the mini angular version, you will get error messages this way.



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