Circular Binary Index

I am creating a tool to combine multiple streams at the closest timestamp. The streams might not sync, so I store the last n

(maybe -> 500) elements in a fixed size circular buffer. I would like to use sortedIndex

( notsearch

) to find where the element will fit in the buffer. I need this index to find the stream element just before and immediately after the timestamp.

Edge handling around corner questions doesn't matter, I don't care if you return the index outside of the array or 0

for the largest value. I was playing with this one last night and couldn't figure out how it works.

The function contract is below and is based on _.sortedIndex

( implementation )

 * Binary search for finding the closest computed (by iterator) value
 * in some sorted circular array
 * @param {Array} array a circular array-like
 * @param {Object} value to search for an index
 * @param {Function} iterator to compute the compare value of an item
function sortedIndex(array, value, iterator) {
    var low = 0,
        high = array.length;
    while (low != high && iterator(array[low]) > iterator(array[high])) {
        // The binary search I failed to implement
    return low;


Some test cases (again handle differently around corner cases without problems):

function identity(x) {
    return x;

function property(prop) {
    return function(x) {
        return x[prop];

test('sortedIndex should work on simple case', function(t) {
    var array = [1, 2, 3, 4];

    equal(sortedIndex(array, 2, identity), 1, 'equal case sorts towards left');
    equal(sortedIndex(array, 2.5, identity), 2);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, 10, identity), 0);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, -10, identity), 3);

    array = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}, {a: 4}];
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: 2}, property('a')), 1);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: 2.5}, property('a')), 2);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: 10}, property('a')), 0);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: -10}, property('a')), 3);

test('sortedIndex should work on circular collections', function() {
    var array = [2, 3, 4, 1, 1.5];

    equal(sortedIndex(array, 2, identity), 0, 'equal case sorts towards left');
    equal(sortedIndex(array, 2.5, identity), 1);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, 10, identity), 3);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, -10, identity), 2);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, 5, identity), 4);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, 3.5, identity), 3);

    array = [{a: 2}, {a: 3}, {a: 4}, {a: 1}, {a: 1.5}];
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: 2}, property('a')), 0, 'equal case sorts towards left');
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: 2.5}, property('a')), 1);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: 10}, property('a')), 3);
    equal(sortedIndex(array, {a: -10}, property('a')), 2);


Edit --- Here's my completed version

sortedIndex : function(value, comparitor, context) {
    var low = this.start,
        high = this.size - 1;

     // Tricky part is finding if its before or after the pivot
     // we can get this info by checking if the target is less than
     // the last item. After that it just a typical binary search.
     if (low &&, value,[high]) > 0) {
        low = 0, high = this.end;

     while (low < high) {
       var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
       if (, value,[mid]) > 0) low = mid + 1;
       else high = mid;
     return (((low - this.start) % this.size) + this.size) % this.size;



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2 answers

Here is what I came up with (it passes your test cases). Basically, it does a regular binary search when the array is sorted. When it is circular (ex: [2,3,4,1]) it finds the vault (which is the index of the start of the circle, so in this example index 3, which matches 4 in the array, will be the hinge), then the binary searches for the part the array in which the axis is located.

 function findPivot(arr, low, high, iterable){
    // base cases
    if (high < low)  return -1;
    if (high == low) return low;

    var mid = Math.floor((low + high)/2);
    if (mid < high && iterable(arr[mid]) > iterable(arr[mid + 1]))
      return mid;
    if (mid > low && iterable(arr[mid]) < iterable(arr[mid - 1]))
      return (mid-1);
    if (iterable(arr[low]) >= iterable(arr[mid]))
      return findPivot(arr, low, mid-1, iterable);
      return findPivot(arr, mid + 1, high, iterable);

 function binarySearch(arr, low, high, val, iterable)
    if (high < low)
        return low;
    var mid = Math.floor((low + high)/2);
    if (iterable(val) == iterable(arr[mid]))
      return mid;
    if (iterable(val) > iterable(arr[mid]))
      return binarySearch(arr, (mid + 1), high, val, iterable);
      return binarySearch(arr, low, (mid -1), val, iterable);

 function sortedIndex(array, value, iterable) {
     var arr_size = array.length;
    var pivot = findPivot(array, 0, arr_size-1, iterable);

    if (pivot == -1) {
      if(iterable(array[arr_size-1]) < iterable(value)){
        return 0;
      } else if(iterable(array[0]) > iterable(value)){
        return arr_size-1;
      return binarySearch(array, 0, arr_size-1, value, iterable);

   if(iterable(array[pivot]) < iterable(value)){
     return pivot+1;
   } else if(iterable(array[pivot+1]) > iterable(value)){
      return pivot;

    if (iterable(array[pivot]) == iterable(value))
      return pivot;
    if (iterable(array[0]) <= iterable(value))
      return binarySearch(array, 0, pivot-1, value, iterable);
      return binarySearch(array, pivot+1, arr_size-1, value, iterable);


Here's the test cases:

Hopefully this is in the right direction.

Iterative solution :

 function findPivot(arr, low, high, iterable)
      // base cases
      if (high < low)  return -1;
      if (high == low) return low;

      var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
      if (mid < high && iterable(arr[mid]) > iterable(arr[mid + 1]))
        return mid;
      if (mid > low && iterable(arr[mid]) < iterable(arr[mid - 1]))
        return (mid-1);
      if (iterable(arr[low]) >= iterable(arr[mid]))
        high = mid-1;
        low = mid + 1;

 function binarySearch(arr, low, high, val, iterable)
      if (high < low)
     return low;
      var mid = (low + high) >>> 1;
      if (iterable(val) == iterable(arr[mid]))
        return mid;
      if (iterable(val) > iterable(arr[mid]))
        low = mid + 1;
        high = mid -1;

 function sortedIndex(array, value, iterable) {
    var arr_size = array.length;
    var pivot = findPivot(array, 0, arr_size-1, iterable);

    if (pivot == -1) {
      if(iterable(array[arr_size-1]) < iterable(value)){
        return 0;
      } else if(iterable(array[0]) > iterable(value)){
        return arr_size-1;
      return binarySearch(array, 0, arr_size-1, value, iterable);

   if(iterable(array[pivot]) < iterable(value)){
     return pivot+1;
   } else if(iterable(array[pivot+1]) > iterable(value)){
      return pivot;

    if (iterable(array[pivot]) == iterable(value))
      return pivot;
    if (iterable(array[0]) <= iterable(value))
      return binarySearch(array, 0, pivot-1, value, iterable);
      return binarySearch(array, pivot+1, arr_size-1, value, iterable);




Typically, in a circular buffer, you store the beginning and end of the actually occupied locations. With this information, it should be pretty trivial as we can distinguish three cases:

function sortedIndex(buffer, item, getValue) {
    if (buffer.start < buffer.end)
        // do standard binary search between start and end indices
    else if (getValue(buffer[0]) <= getValue(item))
        // do standard binary search between 0 and end index
    else // getValue(buffer[0] > getValue(item)
        // do standard binary search between start and buffer.length




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