Extract all numbers from string in javascript

I want all the corresponding natural numbers from a given string to be

var a = "@1234abc 12 34 5 67 sta5ck over @ numbrs ."
numbers = a.match(/d+/gi)


in the above line, I must only match the numbers 12, 34, 5, 67, not 1234 from the first word 5, etc.

therefore the numbers must be equal [12,34,5,67]


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2 answers

Use word boundaries,

> var a = "@1234abc 12 34 5 67 sta5ck over @ numbrs ."
> numbers = a.match(/\b\d+\b/g)
[ '12', '34', '5', '67' ]



  • \b

    a word boundary that matches between the word charcter ( \w

    ) and the non- leading character ( \w

  • \d+

    One or more numbers.
  • \b

    a word boundary that matches between a charcter word character and a non-principal character.


> var myString = '@1234abc 12 34 5 67 sta5ck over @ numbrs .';
> var myRegEx = /(?:^| )(\d+)(?= |$)/g;
> function getMatches(string, regex, index) {
...     index || (index = 1); // default to the first capturing group
...     var matches = [];
...     var match;
...     while (match = regex.exec(string)) {
.....         matches.push(match[index]);
.....     }
...     return matches;
... }
> var matches = getMatches(myString, myRegEx, 1);
> matches
[ '12', '34', '5', '67' ]


The code is stolen from here .



If anyone is interested in a proper regular solution for matching digits surrounded by whitespace characters, it's just for languages ​​that support lookbehind (like Perl and Python, but not JavaScript at the time of writing):



Regular expression visualizationDebuggex PCRE Demo

As shown in the accepted answer, in languages ​​that don't support lookbehind, a hack must be used, e.g. to enable 1st place in a match while keepingting important things in the capture group:



Regular expression visualizationJavaScript Debuggex Demo

Then you just need to extract that capturing group from the matches, see for example this answer on How to access matched groups in a JavaScript regex?



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