Interactive canvas vs renderer table in html. Which way is faster?

Which way would be faster and use less memory? I have processed dynamic <table>

jQuery for now. Sometimes it has about a few thousand cells and it runs so slowly when I do events on it. Html2Canvas makes it time consuming to render this table as an image. So I'm wondering about using an interactive canvas. Here is a fiddle with a script to generate the table


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1 answer

I have created two examples,

One that reflects the way of creation tables , and by creating and adding elements of the jQuery object on each iteration of the loop:

function createDynamicTable(rows, cols) {
  var table = $('<table />');
    for(var i=0; i<rows; i++){ // noprotect
        var row = $('<tr />');
        for(var j=0; j<cols; j++){
            var cell = $('<td />');
            cell.appendTo( row ); // Appends here....
        row.appendTo( table ); // Appends here....
    $('#tableContainer').append( table );  // Appends here....


The second uses a different way of creating a table based instead on the principle of concatenating the representation of strings in HTML strings :

function createDynamicTable(rows, cols) {
  var table = "<table>";
    for(var i=0; i<rows; i++){
        var row = "<tr>";
        for(var j=0; j<cols; j++){
            var cell = "<td>R"+i+"-C"+j+"</td>";
            row += cell;
        row += "</tr>";
        table += row; 
    table += "</table>"
    $('#tableContainer').append( table ); // Append only once!


Now let's be human and exaggerate a bit by creating a table with 1000 rows and 10 cells in each run:

var start = new Date().getTime();
createDynamicTable(1000, 10); 
var total = new Date().getTime() - start;


And let's see the results:


              ~920 ms                                       ~130 ms


                        jsBin demo 1                      ;                                                       jsBin demo 2

A (logical) side of a note about string concatenation:
you won't be able to store copies of live objects inside data-*

, such as ie:

cell = "<td data-objectcopy='"+ myObject +"'>...</td>" 


because an object will cast to a String "[object Object]"

, unlike jQuery .data()


cell = $("<td />", {html:"..."}).data("objectcopy", myObject );


where any further change to the object of type: $(td).eq(0).data().objectcopy.someProperty = "new value";

will contain a reference to the original object myObject




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