Why is a systemd app running with a Node.js app showing a failure status when properly stopped?

I have a systemd service file that is running a Node.js application. The service is running fine, but when I stop the service using systemctl stop train

, the service goes into a failed state.

[root@localhost portaj]# systemctl stop train
[root@localhost portaj]# systemctl status train
train.service - Train Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/train.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2014-08-04 04:40:17 UTC; 1s ago
  Process: 25706 ExecStart=/opt/node/bin/node /opt/train/src/server/start.js (code=exited, status=143)
 Main PID: 25706 (code=exited, status=143)

Aug 04 04:33:39 localhost.localdomain train[25706]: Train Server listening on port 3000
Aug 04 04:40:17 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopping Train Service...
Aug 04 04:40:17 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: train.service: main process exited, code=exit.../a
Aug 04 04:40:17 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped Train Service.
Aug 04 04:40:17 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit train.service entered failed state.


My service file looks like this:

Description=Train Service

ExecStart=/opt/node/bin/node /opt/train/src/server/start.js



I suspect the Node.js application is returning a status code that systemd considers to be unsuccessful. I'm not sure what I need to do to get my Node.js app to return a different status code if possible. Or, if I need to modify the systemd service file to act differently somehow.

In case it helps, the deployment scripts are here: https://github.com/JonathanPorta/ansible-train

The actual Node.js app is here: https://github.com/JonathanPorta/train

Thanks in advance for your help!


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2 answers

By default, when killed with SIGINT

, node.js exits with a status of 143. This 128+SIGTERM

. This is expected behavior. From the doc:

SIGTERM and SIGINT have default handlers on non-Windows platforms that reset terminal mode to exit with code 128 + signal number. If a listener is set in one of these signals, its default behavior will be removed (node โ€‹โ€‹will not exit anymore).

If you want to exit gracefully, you need to override the default signal handler :

process.on('SIGTERM', function() {
    // do whatever to terminate properly
    // at worst, just 'exit(0)'

process.on('SIGINT', function() {
    // do whatever to terminate properly
    // at worst, just 'exit(0)'




You can specify your custom legal exit status in the service unit file: SuccessExitStatus = 143



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