Search aborts when adding data from desktop to bootgrid

I am loading data from a published google spreadsheet using the desktop.

Then I want to load the JSON output into bootgrid. Everything works fine, except the search is broken. Not sure if this is a bug or because I just call it "add".

var public_spreadsheet_url = "SPREADSHEETURL";

function init() {
    Tabletop.init( { key: public_spreadsheet_url,
                    callback: showInfo,
                    simpleSheet: true } );

function showInfo(data, tabletop) {
    data = tabletop.sheets("Sheet2").all();

    for (var key in data[1]) { 
        $("#main-table thead tr").append('<th data-column-id="' + key + '">' + key + '</th>');

    $("#main-table").bootgrid().bootgrid("append", data);        


Here's a fiddle showing the problem much better:

BTW, I am missing 2 tags because of the reputation: jquery-tabletop, jquery-bootgrid


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1 answer

You did everything right, but you forgot to reference the jquery.bootgrid.css file .


Second, the attribute was missing data-type

(see updated example here ).



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