ORM for mysql now () - Laravel 4

I have the following sql

select * from bids where deleted_at is  null 
and  publication_date <= now() and open_date >= now()   


I want to write it using ORM

   $bids = Bid::where('publication_date','<=','now()')->where('open_date','>=','now()')->get();


It doesn't work then I rewrite as below

$bids=DB::select(DB::raw('select * from bids where deleted_at is  null and  publication_date <= now() and open_date >= now()'));


How to write above ORM query, I think that now()

poses the problem


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1 answer

You can use the method whereRaw


$bids = Bid::whereRaw('publication_date <= now() and open_date >= now()')->get();



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