C ++ data output to C #
Is there an easy way to get multiple variable data from a C ++ program in C #? Both programs will run on the same computer.
I need this to report the results of a C ++ encoded program (position: x, y (integer) and orientation (double)) to another device using C # cdk ...
I am thinking about allocating an area of memory and then declaring it in a file, reading the file in C # to get the pointers and then working from there using a semaphore to control access.
Will this work? Any links on how to write something like this in C # and C ++?
All help is greatly appreciated!
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Sure! One example is shared memory: Sharing Variables Between C # and C ++ (this is what you mean when allocating memory, etc.)
The second method is "named pipes": http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/420582/Inter-Process-Communication-between-Csharp-and-Cpl
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You can communicate between two separate processes in many ways. I point out a few of them -
- Inter Process Communication . The first one that I like is the inter-process communication known as IPC . There are many articles on it. Therefore I do not provide a sample code, you can get it from the code project here -
Interprocess communication between C # and C ++ using named pipes
- Shared memory . You can also use shared memory, I personally find it a little harmful because it breaks the rule for reading and writing to other program memory. Here is an example -
Swapping variables between C # and C ++
Database . This is only possible if both of your programs are using the same database. Very easy, you already know that. But it only works in limited cases.
Your own custom implementation Example: Writing to a file in place and then accessing that file for both programs.
Choose your choice !!! ... Personally, I would go to IPC for your case.
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Since you are saying that both programs run on the same system, a simple solution would be to write the output of your C ++ program to a file and use that file as the input for your C # program. Perhaps you can use the FileSystemWatcher on the C # side to monitor this file for changes.
A few more links:
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