How to split a sequence by increasing subsequence in Clojure?
I have a sequence of integers and I would like to split them into increasing segments and I want to have as few segments as possible. So I want to have
(segmentize [1 2 3 4 3 8 9 1 7] <=)
;=> [[1 2 3 4][3 8 9][1 7]]
I have implemented sharding as follows:
(defn segmentize [col lte]
(loop [col col s [] res []]
(cond (empty? col) (conj res s)
(empty? s) (recur (rest col) (conj s (first col)) res)
(lte (last s) (first col)) (recur (rest col) (conj s (first col)) res)
:else (recur col [] (conj res s)))))
But I was wondering if there is some convenient clojure function that does exactly this, or if there is a more idiomatic way to do it.
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You can build this one withpartition-by
(defn segmentize [cmp coll]
(let [switch (reductions = true (map cmp coll (rest coll)))]
(map (partial map first) (partition-by second (map list coll switch)))))
(segmentize <= [1 2 3 4 3 8 9 1 7])
;=> ((1 2 3 4) (3 8 9) (1 7))
The first two map
last lines can be changed to mapv
if you really want vectors and not lazy sequences.
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Another lazy implementation. Basically figure out how many consecutive pairs of numbers the "lte" (take-while + segment) function returns true, and then splits the original collection by that number. Repeat with collection of reminders:
(defn segmentize
[coll lte]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(let [pairs-in-segment (take-while (fn [[a b]] (lte a b)) (partition 2 1 s))
[segment reminder] (split-at (inc (count pairs-in-segment)) s)]
(cons segment
(segmentize reminder lte))))))
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This is a special case of some sequence processing functions in org.flatland/useful
, in particular flatland.useful.seq/partition-between
(partition-between (partial apply >) xs)
If you need an implementation from scratch, with no external dependencies, I would prefer dAni's answer.
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Because everyone loves lazy sequences:
(defn segmentize [coll cmp]
(if-let [c (seq coll)]
(let [[seg rem] (reduce (fn [[head tail] x]
(if (cmp (last head) x)
[(conj head x) (next tail)]
(reduced [head tail])))
[(vec (take 1 c)) (drop 1 c)]
(drop 1 c))]
(cons seg (segmentize rem cmp))))))
The code for calculating each segment could probably be made a little less verbose using a / recur loop, but I find it reduce
more readable more often than not.
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