Using Chart.js - Create Legend for Donut Chart

Can someone tell me what happened to my code? I have successfully created a donut chart using Chart.js as well as a legend, but would like the corresponding segment of the chart to be highlighted with a tooltip when I hover over each legend item, just like this page

I have tried to copy and modify the code used in this exact page, but I cannot get it to work. Tips and help are appreciated!

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Chart.js demo</title>
    <script src='Chart.js'></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<canvas id="race" width="250" height="250" style="width: 250px; height: 250px;"></canvas>
<ul class="doughnut-legend">
    <li><span style="background-color:#40af49"></span>African American</li>
    <li><span style="background-color:#ac558a"></span>Other</li>
    <li><span style="background-color:#f05541"></span>Multi-Racial, Not Hispanic</li>
    <li><span style="background-color:#3ac2d0"></span>Hispanic/Latino</li>
    <li><span style="background-color:#faaf3c"></span>Asian</li>
    <li><span style="background-color:#4287b0"></span>White/Caucasian</li>
var pieData = [
                value: 24.8,
                color: "#40af49",
                label: "African American"
                value : 2.9,
                color : "#ac558a",
                label: "Other"
                value : 5.7,
                color : "#f05541",
                label: "Multi-Racial, Not Hispanic"
                value : 19.1,
                color : "#3ac2d0",
                label: "Hispanic/Latino"
                value : 6.5,
                color : "#faaf3c",
                label: "Asian"
                value : 41,
                color : "#4287b0",
                label: "White/Caucasian"

        var race = new Chart(document.getElementById("race").getContext("2d")).Doughnut(pieData, { tooltipTemplate : "<%if (label){%><%=label%>: <%}%><%= value %>%", animateRotate: true });
        var legendHolder = document.createElement('div');
    legendHolder.innerHTML = race.generateLegend();
    // Include a html legend template after the module doughnut itself
    helpers.each(legendHolder.firstChild.childNodes, function(legendNode, index){
        helpers.addEvent(legendNode, 'mouseover', function(){
            var activeSegment = race.segments[index];
    helpers.addEvent(legendHolder.firstChild, 'mouseout', function(){



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1 answer

If you are trying to use "helpers" and "canvas" you have no options for them.

Helpers link to Chartjs Helpers, this can be easily added by creating

var helpers = Chart.helpers


Canvas is relative to you if you are using the canvas variable, so just add



here is a violin with her working



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