JavaScript object to JSON using python
I'm trying to extract initially what initially looked like regular JSON. But it is a JavaScript object that is not valid JSON. Is there a way to convert this string to JSON using python?
height: "2",
width: "1"
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Use a lax-mode parser that can handle this input. I recommend demjson for things like this as it is the first viable candidate that came up when I was looking python non-strict json parser
>>> demjson.decode("""{
... firstName:"John",
... lastName:"Doe",
... age:50,
... eyeColor:"blue",
... dimensions:[
... {
... height: "2",
... width: "1"
... }
... ]
... }""")
{u'eyeColor': u'blue', u'lastName': u'Doe', u'age': 50, u'dimensions': [{u'width
': u'1', u'height': u'2'}], u'firstName': u'John'}
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I'm afraid Python doesn't understand JavaScript. If you can use Node.js it is easy to convert the input to JSON.
Edit: Of course, you can also use a per-browser JavaScript console.
> d = {
... firstName:"John",
... lastName:"Doe",
... age:50,
... eyeColor:"blue",
... dimensions:[
... {
..... height: "2",
..... width: "1"
..... }
... ]
... };
{ firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
age: 50,
eyeColor: 'blue',
dimensions: [ { height: '2', width: '1' } ] }
> JSON.stringify(d)
You can convert using json
the python library.
>>> a = {'firstName':"John", 'lastName':"Doe", 'age':50, 'eyeColor':"blue", 'dimensions':[ {'height': "2", 'width': "1"}]}
>>> import json
>>> json.dumps(a)
'{"eyeColor": "blue", "lastName": "Doe", "age": 50, "dimensions": [{"width": "1", "height": "2"}], "firstName": "John"}'
And if you have a json formatted string
>>> a = '{"eyeColor": "blue", "lastName": "Doe", "age": 50, "dimensions": [{"width": "1", "height": "2"}], "firstName": "John"}'
>>> json.loads(a)
{u'eyeColor': u'blue', u'lastName': u'Doe', u'age': 50, u'dimensions': [{u'width': u'1', u'height': u'2'}], u'firstName': u'John'}
this will return u valid python dict
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