Polymorphic Wiring in Rails 4

I would like to run this past prior to implementing this.

I have Users and Groups , both of which can post Messages , and both of them can receive Messages ,

I think I need 2 polymorphic association in the Posts model:

posted and on the wall (posted shows model can create messages, wall art models can receive messages)

Thus, both users and groups must:

has_many :posts, :as => :posted
has_many :posts, :as => :wall


and the message should have

belongs_to :posted, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :wall, :polymorphic => true


Also, should you use the "capable" convention, which I think has to do with Rails polymorphism? Simple and Walled It seems more readable to have User.wall for their wall and User.posted for recording their own posts. (Could I even change the wall to receive?)



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1 answer


I think by nature you get "Polymorphic Association" :

enter image description here

It is designed to provide the ability to associate different models with one model; for example if you have the following:

Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :tables, as: :bookable

Class Admin < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :parties, as: :bookable

Class Restaurant < ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :bookable, polymorphic: true



Individual table inheritance

You are trying to link the same model multiple times to the same model. While this is fine, I would assume you are actually looking for an STI :

Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :wall_posts, class_name: "User::WallPost"
   has_many :posts, class_name: "User::Post"

Class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :user

Class User::WallPost < Post

Class User::Post < Post


This will allow you to do the following:

@user = User.find 1
@user.wall_posts.each do |post|




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