Find the 2nd and 3rd places with the most jQuery numbers

I'm busy creating a podium type screen that will determine which person has the highest score and then place them in their relative positions.

Example: given this table:

| name  | score |
| Mike  |     3 |
| Kevin |    14 |
| John  |     6 |


Kevin would have been the winner when John was second and Mike was third.

How can I do this using JQuery? I managed to trawl the internet and find out who has the highest score and then get his / her name. But I'm now stuck in figuring out who is second and who is third.

This is what I have so far:

   $( document ).ready(function() {

        var max = 0;
        var name;
        $('#HoldingPodiumData, .score').each(function()
           $this = parseFloat( $(this).html() );
           if ($this > max)
               max = $this;
               //name = $('.names').html();
               name = $(this).closest('td').prev('td').html()




Can anyone help me in the right direction please? I created a FIDDLE of what I have achieved so far

Thank! Mike


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3 answers

This is what I would do in your case:

var max = 0;
var names = [];
$('#HoldingPodiumData tr:gt(0)').each(function()
    if ($(this).find(".score").length > 0)
            score: parseFloat($(this).find(".score").html()),
            name: $(this).find(".names").html()

names = names.sort(function(a, b)
    return b.score - a.score;



Fiddle . Explanation:

  • First of all, I changed the selector to get everything tr

    , skipping the first one;
  • Then, inside the loop, I believe if tr

    has a child .score

  • If so, I add it to the results array called names

  • Then I sort this array in desc order.

This is not the best way I guess, but it doesn't change your code that much. The trick is here sort()

, you have to look at it.



You need to change the partition you set max

to the new first location. Instead, keep an array of length 3 and slide everyone down when you find someone better than the current first spot.

You can maintain scores along with names by storing an additional array of names.

if ($this > scores[0])
    scores[2] = scores[1];
    scores[1] = scores[0];
    scores[0] = $this;

    names[2] = names[1];
    names[1] = names[0];
    names[0] = $(this).closest('td').prev('td').html();


Once the code is complete, your first place winner will be held in scores[0]

, second place will be at scores[1]

, and third place will be at scores[2]


As an alternative to keeping two separate arrays, you can define an object with names and evaluation properties.



var scoresSorted = $('.score').map(function () { return +$(this).text(); }).get().sort(function(a, b){return b-a});
$('#winner').text( $('td:contains('+scoresSorted[0]+')').prev().text() )
$('#second').text( scoresSorted[1] )
$('#third').text( scoresSorted[2] )


JsFiddle example

The first line collects the values, puts them in an array, and sorts them. The second line uses the first value in the array (the highest) to find a matching name. The last two lines get the second and third place values ​​from the array (indices 1 and 2).



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